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What are the different plateforms of the game ?The game is settled in three parts on three different plateforms : - This website : The general showcase of the game. You will find there : - The presentation of the game - The presentation of the different stables associated to the game - General links between plateforms (GS's stables links in particular) - The blog, for news & announcements about the game - Registrations place - Google sheets (GS) : The core of the game takes place in Google Sheets (GS). Each stable is associated with a GS. There are also other parts of the game associated to a GS : - Competitions - Breeding - Training and XP progression - Market place (horse sales, covering sales) - Discord : The Community place. All discussions and exchanges about the game are done here.
Does it cost money to play Excelistria?No, it does not. Excelistria is a completely free game, which relies entirely on the community to run, and to grow. Any mention of in-game money concerns a virtual currency, which cannot be exchanged with any form of real currency.
How can I join the game ?You can find out the registration form here. In the same time, you can join the discord. Your registration will be managed by a stable manager of the stables you chose to join. A registration is complete when : - You have access to the Google sheets (GS) of your stable. - You appear in the database of your GS's stable and you have your own tab in your GS's stable. - You have the adequates roles on the discord : Owner + Your stable + your profession (optional) Please note that having the right role (badges) on this website is not required to begin to play. This is an option that will be updated in the days after your subscription.
Once I joined, how do I start to play ?THAT is a very good question comrade, welcome aboard ! Once you joined the game, you will get access to the Google sheet (GS) of the stable you chose. You will begin with 10 000 ♞, ♞ being the virtual currency of the game. It's called "poons". (Any resemblance to a real currency is pure coincidence, of course). You will also be offered two horses : a stallion, and a mare ! (Randomly generated). You will have your own tab in the GS's stable, where the stalls of your horses will appear. You will also have your ID card as an owner on this tab, and a reserved area where you will be able to write everything you wish. Your GS tab is the main place for you to consult all the statistics, competition results and breeding information of your horses. You will also have access to separate GS for training your horses, participate to competition and breed you horses. To learn how to use these sheets, please see the relevant sections of this tutorial. The game is not fully automatized and repose to cooperation between players to be played out. You will need cooperation with other players to perform some actions, like running the competitions, breed a horse, selling and buying horses... This is why choosing a profession is not mandatory but strongly recommended, as you will be able to perform the role for others players, but also for yourself. Please consult the adequate tutorial section to learn more about professions. On Discord, other players will also be there to accompany you and help you begin your journey in Excelistria !
Why do I need an e-mail linked to a Google account to play the game ?The core of the game takes place on Google Sheets. To have access as editor to a Google Sheets, you need an e-mail address linked to a google account.
How much active do I need to be once I joined the game ?That depends on which stable you joined, as each player can create its own stable and create sub-rules with its own requirements regarding activity. But if you join one of the three original stables (Winterclear stables (WCS), Blacklake estate (BLE) and Gemstone ranch (GSR) ), there are absolutely no requirements regarding your amount of activity. This means that you can play once per month if you wish. Or everyday. You can get involved in the community. Or not. You can have a profession and a role in the community. Or not. You will be entirely free. In those three stables (WCS, BLE and GSR) we may do some members sorting from time to time. If we see no activity from you since several months on the game, with no explanation written on your reserved area (your own GS tab), then we may decide to delete your account. If you wish to put your account on hiatus without taking the risk to see your account deleted, you can ask a stable manager to put you on HIATUS in the stable's database.
How can I support the game ?The main way to support the game is by playing it and get involve in it! There are many ways to get more involved in the game : - Having an in-game profession that helps running the game - Helping as a discord moderator - Helping to find and report any bugs, malfunctions, bad english language (my native tongue is french :-) ) - Help other players if they need it Nonetheless, if you wish to support me as the creator of the game, you may offer me the equivalent of a coffee. That would be appreciated, and would help me covering some fees for the game (why not having an *.com domain, more stockage on google drive for Google sheets, having a premium discord...). This is entirely up to you and definitely not required to play and get involved in the Community !
Tell me everything I need to know about the Owner's tab !Okey-dokey! Owner's tab is composed of three main parts: Blue areas are the areas editable by the Owner. 1) Horse information On the left : competition results. On the right : the horse card that display all information on the horse. 2) Owner information 3) Owner board : Fully editable area for the Owner. Editable areas : ACTIVE HORSE / RETIRED HORSE : change the active status of your horse. Tagging a horse as "retired horse" means that your horse will be removed from your stable by a stable manager and will appear in the pastures tab. The horse will no longer be playable, which means will not be available for competitions, breeding, sales, etc. FOR SALE / NOT FOR SALE : Indicate to other players that your horse is for sale by chosing "FOR SALE". The horse will appears in the market place and the "for sale" tabs in the stables and all players will be able to see it. Don't forget to put a price in the "SELLING PRICE" cell. BREEDING STALLION / IN GESTATION / NOT AVAILABLE : Chose breeding stallion status if you wish to sell coverings from your stallion. Your stallion will appears in the market place, in the "covering sales" tab. Don't forget to put a price in the "STUD FEE" cell (aka covering sale price). Chose in gestation if your mare is in gestation. Chose not available if none of the two other choices fit. DOMINANT DISCIPLINE : Chose the dominant discipline of your horse. This is, for the moment, only an information cell, and it does not mean that your horse can only compete in this discipline. PLAYER BOARD : Unleash your imagination. You can write everything you wish here. Do not forget that your Owner tab is publicly visible ;-)
Tell me everything about the Training sheetOnly Trainers have access as editor to this sheet. The sheet has one tab : You can ask a Trainer to organize a training session for your horse to gain some statistic potential. Of course, it will cost some money.
Tell me everything about the Breeding sheetThe Breeding sheet is publically visible, but only Breeders have the editor rights to certains parts of the sheet. The different tabs in the Breeding sheet are : - BREEDING SIMULATOR : This is a place where the Breeders will generate your foal and save the transaction if you bought a covering from a stallion for your mare. - COAT SIMULATOR : A tab used to generate the coat of the foal. This is an automatic calculation sheet with no input needed. But you can consult it if you are curious about genetic possibilities... - DATABASE BREEDING : A tab used to add the new generated foals in the database. Breeders have access to this sheet to attribute an ID, a new name to the new foal, and to write the genotype in the right nomenclature. - SAVE_TRANSACTION : A tab used to add the transaction of the birth of a new foal. Breeders have access to this sheet to add their ID and calculate the gains.
Tell me everything about the Progression sheetOnly breeders have the rights to edit certain parts of this sheet. The XP progression sheet has the following tab : When your foal is born, the breeder will add your foal in the database of the XP_PROGRESSION tab. It takes time for your foal after its birth to gain its full statistic potential (let's call it the breaking-in of your foal!). This is associated with the XP progression of your horse. You can ask to the breeder to accelerate the time processus, but it will cost some poons to achieve it. The maximum XP progression gained in this processus is 80%. The rest of the XP is gained by participating in competitions.
Explain me the different tabs on a Google Sheet's stable !OK ! A Google Sheet's stable (GS stable or GSS) is composed of several tabs. Some are hidden, others are visible. GS Tip : You can use this to quickly navigate between tabs. If you are an Owner, a Breeder, a Merchant, a Trainer or an Event Planner, you will only have access and be interested in the visible ones. The hidden tabs are tabs used for database and complicated calculation to run the game, and only Stables Managers may have to care about these tabs at some point. These are the different visible tabs of a GS stable : - INDEX is a tab with useful links to other GS and also quick link to the player's tabs. Useful to navigate quickly. - DATABASE contains the... database of the stable. This is the most important tab of the GS and only Stables Managers have access to some parts of it, to edit it when needed (adding new players, new horses, edit ownerships of horses, adding new competitions...) - HORSE VIEWER is a tab which allow you to consult to information of a horse once you know it's ID. - GENEALOGY is a generator of a genealogy family tree for a horse. Just chose the ID of the horse you wish and TADA. - RANKING & STUDBOOK : These are internal rankings of players and horses. Please not that these are INTERNAL rankings, concerning only one stable. General rankings between all stables are not displayed there. Studbook are ranking sorting by horses bred. - STALLS : A tab useful to quickly consult all the active horses of the stable. - PASTURES : A tab useful to quickly consult all the retired horses of the stable. The retired horses no longer appears in the owner's stalls, but to remember them, they are still display there. They deserve a good retirement in the meadow, after all. - FOR SALE : A tab useful to have a quick overview of the horses for sale in this stable. More complete information of horses for sale are in the Google sheet "Market place". - OWNER'S TAB : A tab that will have the name of the Owner. Please consult the adequate tutorial section for more information about the Owner's tab.
Tell me everything about the Competition sheeetThe Competition sheet is a separate Google sheet where competitions takes place. There are several tabs which are : - COMPETITION PLANNING : is the tab where the planning of competitions are displayed. The owners with the profession "Event planner" can edit this tab and plan competitions. - REGISTRATIONS : this is the place where all owners can register to the planned competitions (PC USERS ONLY (works only on web browsers). Click here to know how to register your horse in a competition. - COMPETITION GENERATOR : this is the tab used by Event Planners to launch the competitions. No results displayed on this tab are official results. - COMPETITION RECORDING : this is the tab where competition official results are displayed. This is the database of all competitions results for horses.
Tell me everything about the Market place sheetOnly Merchants have access as editors to certain parts of this sheet. The different tabs are : - HORSE SALES & COVERING SALES are automatic calculation tabs and display all the current opportunities. Only Stables Administrators can edit these sheets. - SALES_TRANSACTIONS is a tab reserved for Merchants. The Merchants can save on this tab the transactions of the sales that has been decided between a buyer and a seller.
How do I sell a horse ?In your Owner tab, in the ID card of your horse, remplace "NOT FOR SALE" for "FOR SALE". Your horse will then automatically appears for sale in the MARKET PLACE SHEET. You can also indicate the selling price you wish for your horse at the right of its ID card :
How do I increase statistics of my horse ?Three possibilities : - By gaining XP progression At the beginning of life of your horse, it's experience (XP) progression is at 0%. It's statistics are at 0% of their potential. The more you gain XP, the more the statistics will be at their right potential. (Example : a horse should have a statistic of 100 of stamina, but is at 67% of XP progression. It means that for the moment, the horse will only have 67 of STAMINA.) The XP PROGRESSION SIMULATOR SHEET is the place where your horse gains XP progression, just by the time passing. The maximum of XP progression reachable by time is 80%. You can ask to the breeder, at the birth to the foal, to buy time reduction for decreasing the time needed to reach full XP progression (max 80%). The remaining 20% of XP progression are gained by entering in competitions. - By training your horse You can ask to a trainer to register your horse to a training session (in the TRAINING SHEET). - By placing 1rst in competition Each competition has a special bonus of statistic gain when placing 1rst. The gain value and the relevant statistic depends on the competition. The higher the level of the competition is, the higher the bonus will be.
How do I register a horse to competitions ?Check the competition planning in the COMPETITION PLANNING tab on the COMPETITION SHEET. Once you have chose the competition, don't forget to copy it's competition ID, you will need it to record your registration. Two scenarios for register your horse in a competition : 1. You play on a PC (Web browser) - RECOMMANDED Go to the COMPETITION SIMULATOR SHEET, on the REGISTRATIONS tab. To register, click on "> Registration" button. A tab should open in the right : Fill out the form and click on "Submit" button. Attention : this sheet actualized itself every minutes, so please wait a minute to verify that your registration has been taken into account. Known issues : The right tab may not appears in some devices (some mobiles, some tablets). If this is the case, please register to competitions in the adequate section in the discord. 2. I play on other devices (phone, tablet) - NOT RECOMMANDED Use DISCORD to record your registration. Register into the chan #registration in the COMPETITIONS category. You need to give in one message your ID, your horse ID and the competition ID. Once the registration is done (on the COMPETITION SHEET - Registration tab OR on discord), the competition will be launched by an Event planner.
How do I breed a new horse ?Two scenarios possible : 1. You wish to cover one of your mare with one of your stallion Contact a Breeder to organize the covering. The Breeder will record the breeding and will create your new foal. 2. You wish to cover your mare with the stallion of another player. Go to the MARKET PLACE SHEET, on the COVERING SALES tab. You will be able to see the different stallions available for covering your mare, with the associated price. Chose the stallion you wish, and then contact a Breeder to organize the covering. The Breeder will record the breeding and the transaction, and will create your new foal. Note : You do not need the stallion's owner approbation for the breeding. Nonetheless, you can contact the stallion's owner if you wish to negociate the covering price.
What is the BLUP and how do I increase my horse's BLUP ?The BLUP of a horse is its genetic potential. It conditions the statistics of the descendance of the horse. A foal's statistic is calculated depending on the BLUP of its parents. The higher the BLUP is, the higher the statistics will be, with a chance of improvements of statistics than the parent's. On the contrary, if the BLUP of the parents are too low, there is a risk that the foal will have lesser statistics than its parents. A horse can increases it's BLUP thanks to its competition results. The more placings (1rst, 2nd and 3rd) the horse will get, the higher the BLUP will increase. The BLUP is also affected by the statistics of the horse. If a horse has an overall mean of statistics lower than the other horses, the BLUP will be lower.
Can you explain me the different information of a horse?They are indeed many. Here is a panel of information of a horse. (the horse card). Picture of your horse : The picture depends on the breed and the coat of your horse. It's given at the birth of the horse. The picture can be changes following certains rules, please read the associated tutorial section to know more about changing the picture of your horse. Horse ID : is the ID of your horse. It's an unique number associated to your horse. Breed : the breed of your horse. Sex : M for stallion, F for mare. Age : age of your horse. Your horse ages depending on the number of competitions he performed. Owner : current owner of the horse. Current stable : current stable of the horse. Coat : the color of your horse. Useful for breeding. Genotype : the genetic of your horse that determine the coat of your horse. Useful for breeding. Sire : father of your horse. Dam : Mother of your horse. Breeder : The player that bred your horse. Breeder stable : The stable of the player that bred your horse. XP progression : the progression of your horse. 80% represents the breaking-in of your foal at his birth and is simulated in the Progression sheet. These 80 % are gained with time, and the processus can be accelerated by paying money. The left 20 % are gained by participating to competitions (gain of 1% by competition). SPEED, STAMINA, ACCELERATION, JUMP, AGILITY, ALLURE, STRENGTH & LUCK : These are the statistics of your horse. They are genetically determined at the birth of your horse, depending on the parents genetic potential and a bit of luck. - Speed, stamina, acceleration, jump, agility, allure & strength are statistics that can increase during the lifetime of your horse. They are affected by the XP progression and are at their full potential once achieved 100 % of XP progression. Training your horse and placing 1rst at competitions increase statistics. - Luck stat is a rather random statistic determined at the birth of your horse and that can affect its performance in competitions. Luck cannot be increase in the lifetime of your horse and is not affected by the XP progression of your horse. Value : represents the score of a horse. Gained by placing in competitions. Ranking : The internal ranking of your horse in his stable, regarding its score. Earnings : money gained by your horse by placing in competitions. Level : Level of your horse. Affects the level of competitions where your horse can be registered in. There are 4 levels, whatever the discipline : - Listed : debutant horses - Gr III : Horses with a score > 15 - Gr II : Horses with a score > 250 - Gr I : Horses with a score > 800 Show entries : Number of competitions performed by your horse. Maximum number of competitions is actually set at 60 per horses. Performance curve : visually display the placing of your horses in his competitions. 1st, 2nd & 3rd : number of, respectfully, 1rst placing, 2nd placing and 3rd placing of your horse in its competitions. BLUP : the breeding value of your horse. Read the BLUP tutorial section to learn more about the BLUP of a horse. STATUS SECTION : The owner can change the status of its horses whenever he wants. - HORSE STATUS : can be ACTIVE HORSE or RETIRED HORSE. Retired horses can not be sold, bred and can not compete and will be deleted from your Owner tab. - SALE STATUS : can be NOT FOR SALE or FOR SALE. - BREEDING STATUS: can be NOT AVAILABLE, IN GESTATION or BREEDING STALLION. - DOMINANT DISCIPLINE : for information only. (does not affect the game for the moment).
How do I buy a horse ?To consult the list of horses for sale, you can go to the MARKET PLACE SHEET, in the HORSE SALES tab : Once you have made your choice, contact the horse owner (via Discord) to tell him that you are interested. You can take the opportunity to try to negotiate the sale price. When you are in agreement between buyer and seller, contact a Merchant to validate and record the transaction.
What are the different professions ?The different professions are : - Trainer : Difficulty : ★☆☆☆☆ Responsability : ★★★☆☆ They are the ones who operate the trainings depending on the players demands. - Merchant : Difficulty : ★★☆☆☆ Responsability : ★★★☆☆ They are the ones who operate the selling by register the transaction and changing the horse ownership. - Event planner : Difficulty : ★★★☆☆ Responsability : ★★★★☆ They are the ones who operate the competitions by launching the competitions depending on the players registrations. They can also organize special events. - Breeder : Difficulty : ★★★★☆ Responsability : ★★★★☆ They are the ones who operate the breeding by register the transaction, creating the new foal and input the new foal ownership and XP progression. - Stable manager : Difficulty : ★★☆☆☆ Responsability : ★★★★★ They are the ones who has access as editors to the stables google sheets and can operate changes in the database. They operate thanks to the others profession's actions and players demands. Additional special role : - Stable administrator : Difficulty : ★★★★★ Responsability : ★★★★★ If you are at ease with Google sheets functionnement and wish to manage an entire stable by yourself, you can chose to create your own stable. You will then be entirely responsible for the gestion of your own GS stable and your own database of horses and players. Consult the adequate section of Tutorial to know more about how to create your own stable.
What are Professions in the game ?Professions are specified roles that you may chose to help running the game and get more involved in the Community. Professionals are essential to the game, as they are the one who run fundamental functions as breeding, training, launching competitions, actualize the database... You can only exerce one profession at the time in the game. In return, you can change your profession whenever you wish. Having a profession is an option and is not mandatory for playing the game. If you do not wish to have a profession, then you are just a horse Owner.
Where can I find a list of the different Professionals ?Here !
How do I train a horse ?Section under construction {will be fully implemented sunday 15th January} Go to : TRAINING SHEET TRAINING SIMULATOR tab Copy & paste a full line and fill the green cells. Fill also the training type and the duration the horse Owner's asked. White cells are automatic calculations, so verify that you have copy & paste the algorithms from an already existant cell. (copy & past a full line should have done the work correctly.)
What is my role ?The role of the Trainer is to register a horse to a training session at the demand of the horse owner's.
What is my role ?The role of the Merchant is to organize a transaction between a horse seller and a buyer, at the demand of both. The Merchant needs the agreement of both parties to record the transaction. The Merchant has access as Editor to the MARKET PLACE SHEET, to the SALES_TRANSACTIONS tab.
How do I register a transaction ?Section under construction {will be fully implemented sunday 15th January} Go to : MARKET_PLACE SHEET SALES_TRANSACTION tab Copy & past a full line, and fill the green cells.
How do I launch a competition ?Section under construction {will be fully implemented sunday 15th January}
How do I create a competition ?Section under construction {will be fully implemented sunday 15th January}
What is my role ?The role of the Event Planner is to launch competitions according to the players registrations, and record the results.
How do I increment the database of coats ?Section under construction {will be fully implemented sunday 15th January} Go to : BREEDING_SIMULATOR sheet GENETIC CALCULATOR tab Increment in the next empty row. You can use the genetic simulator by Jennifer Hoffman to help you increment the database:
How do I breed a new horse ?Section under construction {will be fully implemented sunday 15th January} Go to : BREEDING SIMULATOR sheet BREEDING SIMULATOR tab Chose the HORSE ID of the sire and the dam. Enter the breeding price (covering rate). Enter your breeder fee (the Owner must be aware and agree with the breeder fee. A Breeder can have a fixed rate, or can negociate its rates depending on the transaction.) If you encounter the following situation : This means that the database in the GENETIC CALCULATOR tab needs to be incremented.
What is my role ?The role of the Breeder is to generate a new foal according to the mating a Owner asked.
How do I change ownership of horses ?Section under construction {will be fully implemented sunday 15th January}
How do I register a new member ?Section under construction {will be fully implemented sunday 15th January}
How do I register a new horse ?Section under construction {will be fully implemented sunday 15th January}
What is my role ?The role of the Stable Manager is to help managing the Stables sheet. This is the only role that has access as editor to the DATABASE tab of a Stables sheet (beside the Stable Administrator). The Stable Manager : - Registers new members by adding them in the DATABASE and creating their Owner tab. - Create new randomized horses for new members with the help of the NEW_HORSE_GENERATOR SHEET. - Can change the ownership of horses according to the transactions recorded by the Merchants. - Add the new foals in the data base according to the Breeder's records. The Stable Manager has to be at ease with Google sheets functionnalities.
About Stables Administrators...Stables Administrators will be able to manage their own Stables by managing their own Stables sheet. Functionnality not available during Alpha testing. { Section under construction. }
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