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What is Excelistria ?

Excelistria is a Virtual Stable game & Role Player community.

The game is split on 3 parts, on 3 different platforms:

The showcase (This Website)

- Regroup the last News and main announcements ( competitions,        championships...) ;

- List the Stables that participate to the community

- List the members of the different Stables.

- Public and private groups for the Stables for interaction between members


The stables (Google sheets, alias "GS")​

Core of the game, main place to play

One stable = one google sheet = the GS Stable

- Horses database, personal place for players...

- Studbook & ranking system

Other separates sheets to generate the: 

- Market place

- Competitions 

- Breeding place

- Training and XP progression place

The community (Discord)​

- Communication place between players


What is not Excelistria ?

Excelistria is a semi-automatic virtual stable. This means a lot of content is automatized via Google sheets, but not all of it, and an important place is let to the players for the gestion of the game.

What is automatized

- Once set up, the player sheet is automatized (auto-filling of competitions results of horse, horses increase of statistics, horse aging...)

- Registration to competitions, competitions results via an automatic generator, result earnings...

- Listing of horses for sale in the market place

- Breeding simulator : automatic generation of the statistics and the genetic (coat, phenotype) of the foal depending of the parent's ones. 

- Ranking system

- Training and XP progression of a horse

What is not automatized

- The database is handfilled by the stable owner (new player, new horse....)

- Organization of competitions (creation of events, planification, launching of competition..)

- Negociation of the price with the seller, ownership change of a horse...

- The birth of a new foal via the breeding system, the negociation of the price of a stallion covering...


For a bit of nostalgia

Do you remember old good days with personal websites and virtual stables ? It was back in the time of yearly ages of internet. This game is a tribute of these virtual stables communities and if you feel nostalgic about these times, Excelistria is made for you!


Excelistria is made by an equestrian, for equestrians.

No pink sparkles here, we are serious about horses statistics and genetic here ! With a bit of fun, of course...


improve your knowledge in horse genetic

Even if it is not the main purpose of the game, I've been trying to input a realistic genetic system in the breeding system of the game. So if you wish to learn more and practice horse genetic, you are at the right place !

for the fun and the community

Join other horses-addicts to play the game and having fun !


The origin story...

One day, I was looking for ressources for horses in The Sims 3 game. And I fell on Wester Drumlins Estate. This website has a link to a Google sheet, which was pleasantely good looking, presenting a sheet with information on each horse they bred on Sims 3 game. And in my head, I just imagined : What if we push it a little bit further, constructing not only horses sheet, but a whole game on the Google sheet platform ?

This is how EXCELISTRIA came to life, on a random rainy and boring saturday. I owe Wester Drumlins Estate the original horse presentation sheet idea, and I give to Cesar what belongs to Cesar :

about the webmaster

My name name is Elsa, and my nickname is Topelune. I am a horse passionate and rider since my childhood ! I'm also an artist, and you can notice that all artworks used on the Website and the Original Stables are drawn by me. (Useful for copyright-free concerns!)


My native tongue is french, so If you notice some mistakes or bad english language, DO NOT HESITATE to claim it high and send me a message. I will correct it and you will have all my thanks for that !

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