Copy paste and complete this registration form and create a new post in Registration subcategory to join us !
Nickname in game :
can be in the form First Name / Last name or a nickname, whatever you wishes.
Profile picture :
The profile picture must be a transparent PNG or on a white background. Please use a copyright-free picture or provide a proof of authorization of the use of the picture (respect the artists!).
Discord ID :
Your Discord ID will be publically visible to help people taking contact with you in Game. If you do not wish to share publically your Discord ID, please consider creating a special discord account for the game.
Stables :
Chose whichever stables you want to join. Please check first to find out if they have any prerequisites to register with them.
Profession :
You can chose between no profession (be an owner) / merchant / trainer / event planner / breeder. Read tutorial sections fore more information about professions. You can change your profession whenever you wish during the game, so no pressure!
I confirm that the email of my account is a gmail address that can be used to access google sheets : YES/NO